Menu Majbooriyan Tey Dooriyan Ne Maaraya mp3 naat recites by a famous naat khawan Owais Raza Qadri. Download Menu Majbooriyan Tey Dooriyan Ne Maaraya mp3 naat or you can also listen online here at You can also check the lyrics of this beautiful mp3 naat Menu Majbooriyan Tey Dooriyan Ne Maaraya.
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About Owais Raza Qadri
Owais Raza Qadri “King of Naat Khwani”, also known as Bulbul e Madina due to his heart touching voice.
Here we collect the most popular naat’s of the great naat khawan “Owais Raza Qadri”. Download Owais Raza Qadri naat in mp3 and share it with your friends and family members.
Owais Raza Qadri Born on October 17th, 1970. He starts his naat khawani career when he was just 8 years old.
He Completes his intermediate education and after that, they take interest in writing and reciting the naats.
He Performs many Hajj and Umra’s and also visits many other countries and recite naat there as well.
You Can Also Check Other Naat Khawan’s As Well
He performs his first Umra in 1992 while they perform his first Hajj in 1996, and apart from that, they perform many Hajj and Umra’s.
The Motivation behind the Owais Raza Qadri as a Naat khawan is the great AL Haaj Yousaf Ashrafi( late) who was also a great naat khawan.
The Millions of the fans of Owais Qadri have and they all are admired by him and love his heart touching voice. The way he recites naats is unique and also by this unique way of naat khawani he is one of the best and most popular naat khawan of today’s century.
Today he is one of the ideal personality for me and the millions of Ashiqan e Rasool (SAWW) around the globe.
The First Album of Owais Raza Qadri was released in 1983 and after the first album, he released many other famous albums as well as the passage of time.
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- Download Menu Majbooriyan Tey Dooriyan Ne Maaraya mp3 naat By Owais Raza Qadri
- Menu Majbooriyan Tey Dooriyan Ne Maaraya mp3 naat by Owais Raza Qadri
- Download Menu Majbooriyan Tey Dooriyan Ne Maaraya